Friday, April 29, 2011

First Thoughts

The first thing about being beautiful is having good thoughts. Free your mind from all negative thinking of yourself and of others... I mean it. NO NEGATIVE SELF TALK... ONLY POSITIVE ONES. You cannot embark on this journey if you harbor ill thoughts. Take a good look at yourself. Appreciate the positives of yourself inside and out.

Inside: What is it about your character that you like? What good things have other people noticed or have commented about you? Learn to love and grow that positive strength in you. Recognized the weakness, improve it. No one is perfect. Be mindful of what you do. Take the next level to build your character. Be truthful to yourself. If you have things you need to forgive yourself, do it, and try not to repeat the mistake that will hold you back. Life is a process... the more we build, the better we become. Forget the negatives of what others are saying to put you down. Unless it is true, take steps to improve it. You are your judge!

Outside: First we need to recognized that we are all build differently. So do not compare yourself to another. The only comparison is...  of what you were and what you are now. Or where you want to be. What do you like about your natural beauty? Dress and accentuate the power areas, work on areas that need help. Live a life that is healthy in mind, body and spirit. Health is everything! Eat well and exercise to circulate the blood and oxygen in your body. Our bodies are forever changing and we need to appreciate it, maintain it and live it at whatever age you are in. Your body is your temple.

I say now that you are an original, one of a kind. No one can take that away from you. The best things in life is to learn new things, discover and experiment. You may be surprise if you just take the first baby step... and you will find that life is wonderful... no matter how bogged down you are, there is always a way out. Seek happiness and happiness will find you.

Live Life with Passion in whatever you do! Smile, Be Happy and Beautiful.